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Tronix-branded energy-savers and appliance protector product line has been a household name in the Philippines for almost 20 years. 

Power On Delay


Brownouts, power failures and severe voltage fluctuations can damage electrical and electronic appliances, but with the Tronix POD10 device, one doesn't have to worry about sudden power surges. POD10 protects homes and offices equipments by delaying electrical connection for about four to six minutes until the power stabilizes. Appliances with compressors need at least two minutes for their pressure to equalize, such as refrigerators, freezers. In the long run the motor will have a hard time in working and will overheat. On the other hand, TV sets, audio systems and fax machines are sure to be in no danger of being damaged by these power surges. NOTE: During initial use, expect the delay to last for over 5 minutes.



Power On Delay


Brownouts, power failures and severe voltage fluctuations can damage electrical and electronic appliances, but with the Tronix POD10 device, one doesn't have to worry about sudden power surges. POD10 protects homes and offices equipments by delaying electrical connection for about four to six minutes until the power stabilizes. Appliances with compressors need at least two minutes for their pressure to equalize, such as refrigerators, freezers. In the long run the motor will have a hard time in working and will overheat. On the other hand, TV sets, audio systems and fax machines are sure to be in no danger of being damaged by these power surges. NOTE: During initial use, expect the delay to last for over 5 minutes.



Air - Con Timer


For air-conditioning units, Tronix ACT 20 is most recommended. With the use of a timer and a power on delay, it manages the aircon's ON cycle and protects appliances from power surge caused by brownouts. In addition to its Power On Delay feature (see POD10), Aircon units can be set to turn on from one to nine hours or continuous on. It has a fan outlet that turns on the electric fan when the timer lapses. It is recommended for window-type airconditioners rated at 2HP and below. This way, homeowners can time usage of the aircon without having to constantly worry of over-using it, and the convenience brought by its timer and fan-outlet features

Ref Clock Saver


Tronix RCS is an electronic device that can generate a low-power consumption for refrigerators and improve the on-off cycle for a smoother temperature regulation. The savings is based on the preferred time setting of savings mode. This device can cut the refrigerator's power consumption to almost half than the usual monthly use -- spelling big savings! This device is also equipped with a power-on delay feature. The RCS has an on-off cycle of eight minutes to 52 minutes.

Automatic Night Light


If you are looking for a sensor activated device for your lighting fixtures – the Tronix Automatic Night Light (ANL) would do the job. It is a heavy-duty sensor that automatically turns on the CFL in the evening when the surrounding turns dark, and turns off on its own during daytime. This cutting-edge device make for a very efficient evening light as one doesn't have to grasp around the dark just to look for a switch -- avoiding bump accidents. The ANL uses a light sensor switch of about 5mm in diameter, and since it's fully capable of rotating in any direction, it's very easy to use when placed anywhere in the house. NOTE: During initial use, expect the lamp to turn ON, even after covering the sensor that detects darkness, for more than 10 seconds, or even longer.



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